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Setting the Standard for Safety

Safety is our number one priority at all times; that's essential when you're working in the business of lightning protection systems. In order to ensure that we are always maintaining the highest standard of safety, we've built strong working relationships with several national safety standards organizations, namely:


  • the Lightning Protection Institute (LPI-175)

  • the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 780)

  • Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL96A)


These organizations set the bar for safety across our entire industry, and we are proud to meet or exceed every one of their national guidelines and standards. QLP has been listed with and regularly inspected by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. of Northbrook, Illinois for over forty years. Strong safety procedures and strict adherence to national guidelines ensure safe and effective protection from lightning. They also ensure that all of our employees, contractors, and clients are safe out in the field while working with QLP.

Underwriters' Laboratories

Nationally Recognized


National Fire Protection Association


Lightning Protection Institute

Safety Resources

Connect with Quality Lightning Protection


743 Pershing Rd.

Raleigh, NC 27608


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